Lion Rampant is a “big skirmish” tabletop miniature wargame for the Dark Ages and Medieval periods in which each player controls a Warband of 4-10 units, with each unit consisting of 6 or 12 models. The game is scale-agnostic, allowing players to use suitable models from their collections in a stylized and abstracted game (rather than one that attempts to simulate the period).
The second edition of the game is available as a 208-page hardback rulebook (increased from the 64-page paperback first edition) with significantly improved formatting and presentation. Rules have not changed significantly from the first edition of the game and all retinues created under the first edition rules remain playable as warbands in the second edition. Points values of the original troop types haven’t changed, but the troop types have been renamed to cover the broader period of history covered. Restrictions on units in warbands have been removed to give players more flexibility in creating their warbands. Minor errors have been corrected; clarifications/modifications of rules have been provided; and additional rules have been included as a result of community feedback.
New rules include additional unit upgrades, extra scenarios, expanded sample Warbands, more detail on laying out tabletop terrain, and a number of optional rules.