Z Shot
There are 12 zombies coming to eat your brain. Before that happens, use that brain β and the included 12 double-injection custom molded Bullet Dice β to either shoot a zombie now, or to strategically save that shot for later! Be the first player to shoot all 12 of your zombies.
Zombicide Prison Outbreak
Season 2: Prison Outbreak takes the players to an indoor environment with vicious close-ranged fights, Prison Outbreak contains all the needed material for a new player to enter the Zombicide universe, and lots of content, almost all new, for an existing Zombicide player to expand his game experi...
Zombie Dice Deluxe
Join us in celebrating 10 years of Zombie Dice! First released in May 2010, Zombie Dice has continuously been one of our top sellers. To mark this anniversary, we are releasing Zombie Dice Deluxe! This boxed set features new 16mm translucent dice with custom debossed images (6 green, 4 yellow, 3 ...