The Greater Good Edition will contain following improvements:
- Gameboard and playmats have been made slightly lighter to increase contrast
- All printed materials will have new symbols.
- The punchboards are slightly thicker and thus more durable
- The extra punchsheet is made larger, which means spare components
- The Black Market mini add-on will be in every box
- Resource sheet is upgraded to dual-layer-board. It makes resource management easier.
- A quick reference sheet - essentially a one page summary of all rules is included in every box
- Cube tray for easy pick-up of cubes
- A few new cards have been added (new card total is 108)
- We improved some wooden component colors
- And lastly, we of course did fix the few typos our players were able to point out.
Factory 42 is a Euro-style board game for 2-5 players. The game tells the story of the workweek of Marxistic dwarves in a steampunk industrial setting, placing the player in the role of factory Overseers. It combines worker placement and a cube tower to create a resource management puzzle. Factory 42 is a cutthroat competitive game with elements of co-operation and deals involving Economics, Fantasy, Industry and Negotiation with a pinch of satire, but not too much to make it a Humor game. It satisfyingly blends two-fold tensions: camaraderie forged in shared goals, and the opportunistic trampling of temporary competition. A tight game of glancing blows and communal glory creating a wicked blend of sharp elbows and shared ambition. Visually, Factory 42 takes its influence from 1920’s Soviet Union propaganda, fantasy literature and elements of pre-WWI Prussian decor.