Welcome to Argent University, the premiere magical institution in the World of Indines!
As a faculty member of this prestigious university, you have it all–fame, power, luxury, and plenty of research assistants willing to work for you for free. What more could you ask for? Why, the Chancellorship, of course! The previous University Chancellor has announced his resignation, and the race is on to fill the empty seat.
The Board of Trustees meets in one week to determine who will be the new Chancellor. As a candidate in this race, you must use every tool at your disposal to secure the Board's votes. Espionage and Bribery are the classic tools, but you also have powerful magic spells, artifacts looted from the university's vaults, and your student aides to do your bidding. Only the candidate who manages to best leverage their resources and manipulate the Board of Trustees will become the new Chancellor of Argent University!