Based on the epic HBO series, Game of Thrones is a card game in which two players wage war in the fields of Westros and conspire to crush their opponents at in Kings Landing . Two fixed, fifty-card decks allow players to take control of either House Lannister or House Stark. Each deck includes the show’s most recognizable charcters and locations, including Eddard Stark, Cersi Lannister, Robert Bratheon, Littlefinger, and Jon Snow.
• A two-player card game based on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones
• Features evocative images from the show, including fan favorite characters from Houses Lannister and Stark
• Streamlines the rules for the poular Living Card Game ®, making it more accessible to a wider audience (this product is similar to, but not compatible with, the LCG ®)